Several coaches meet to work on cheerleading concerns with Rick Wulkow and Bernie Saggau
ICCA becomes an official organization and has its first spring conference at Johnston
ICCA publishes first newsletter**
ICCA membership = 50 coaches
National Federation (NF) Rules Meetings started for cheer coaches**
ICCA awards three $100 scholarships for the first time*
Three scholarships of $150 each are given at the ICCA Spring Conference*
First All State Tryouts held*
All State Squad performances are held at the Boys State Basketball**
ICCA assists with sportsmanship judging at state basketball**
First state competition is held at Johnston High School* with IHSAA providing medals to top 3 place winners of each division
Cheerleading Handbooks are sent to every school**
Newsletter is published three times a year*
Four academic scholarships of $500 each are given*
Athletic Director/Administrator of the Year Award and Service Awards are given for first time*
Newsletter is now published four times a year*
February: ICCA starts monitoring cheerleaders at the state wrestling tournament
First Honor Squad performance at state football finals*
ICCA starts first FREE fall clinics open to cheerleaders of members*
Friend of Cheerleading Awards & Sportsmanship Awards begin
ICCA donates a total of $5000 to the Hall of Pride*
ICCA starts the All Star program with the All Star Goalsetters Basketball program (Iowa Basketball Coaches’ Association) and ICCA*
Fall Clinics expanded to six sites*
ICCA hires Co Executive Directors**
ICCA monitors cheerleaders at state football*
State Championships adds the small and large squad divisions to an open class
Academic All-State program is established
IHSAA begins to print and mail the ICCA newsletter*
ICCA begins a paid treasurer’s position*
ICCA monitors cheerleaders at the Boys’ State BasketballTournament*
State Championships moves to Veterans Auditoriumin Des Moineswith IHSAA still providing medals
State Championships add the stunt group division
IHSAA begins sponsoring partial tuition of educational classes for coaches**
ICCA begins the Lifetime Achievement Award
Best/Most entertaining cheer squads perform at half times of the Boys’ State BasketballTournament
ICCA works with the Special Olympics for the first time*
ICCA gives two scholarships to two cheerleaders at Honor Squad*
ICCA adds a scholarship to a senior on the All State Squad for the first time*
State Championships in November grows from 67 to 97 teams
Conference has record of 115 coaches registered
Conference has record numbers take NFHS (National Federation High School) coaches’ education courses
State Championships moved to HyVee Hall in Des Moines
Online Spirit Rules Meetings begin
ICCA requires all coaches with cheerleaders participating in ICCA Events to take the online rules meeting
ICCA gives scholarships to a participating cheerleader(s) at all ICCA Events*
State Championships moved to the State Fairgrounds in Des Moines using the Jacobson Exhibition Center and the Varied Industries Building
Changed the Sideline Division name to Time Out Division at the State Championships
ICCA Newsletter goes green by emailing links to members*
Conference moves from Ames to The Meadows Conference Center at Prairie Meadows
The IHSAA Board of Control approves of Uniform Guidelines and recommends schools follow the guidelines
The ICCA starts the Representative Council
Online registration process is used for the ICCA fall events and Conference registration process
Non-Stunt Division eliminated from the State Championships
National Federation Concussion Training is required for coaches entering cheerleaders in ICCA Events
Small Team Division is eliminated from the State Championships
Stunt Group Divisions are broken down into 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, and Coed classes at the State Championships
4A Large School Division is dropped in the State Championships to align all schools to size (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A)
ICCA requires music royalties compliance for all teams using music at the State Championships
All routines at the State Championship are performed in the Jacobson Building at the Iowa State Fairgrounds
Time Out Divisions changed to school class size -1A, 2A, 3A, 4A instead of Small School and Large School
ICCA begins the Distinguished Service Award for an active coach.
ICCA’s 30th conference has record attendance number with 196 coaches.
The ICCA begins providing Spirit Rules books to every high school on the year opposite IHSAA*
The ICCA moves to 5 area districts instead of 6 districts. This aligns with the IHSAA’s districts.
Many changes happened because of Covid-19.
- The All-State team did not perform at the 2020 Boys’ State Basketball Tournament when the tournament was only allowed limited attendance by the state.
- The Spring Conference was held virtually in June.
- In person State Championships were held virtually with 3 of 4 divisions new to the championships. A Spirit of Iowa champion was given.
- Cheerleaders did not cheer at the State Wrestling tournament because of limited numbers allowed, but they were allowed to cheer at the Boys’ State Basketball Tournament.
- Masks were normal and stunts were only performed at lower levels.
*Funded by ICCA **Funded by IHSAA & ICCA