Rules Most Frequently Violated

  • 2-1-2 Only members of the school’s actual spirit team may participate in games/contests. No little cheerleaders, honorary cheerleaders, OR fans out of the stands! Also, only the cheerleaders actually cheering at that game/meet may be on the floor NOT cheerleaders from other seasons/sports. Only cheerleaders may run a flag in front of fans following a touchdown. Students may just run a flag before the game or at half time.
  • 2-1-7 Participants are not permitted to have gum or candy in their mouths while cheering.
  • 2-1-8 Stunts are not permitted during basketball and volleyball games when the ball is in play, including all free throw situations. Tumbling is considered stunting. Be sure to follow rules for warming up when an alternative gym is not available. It is not legal to stunt in the dark (such as darkened gyms during introductions).
  • 2-1-10 Cheerleaders can’t be on the floor during 30-second or less timeouts in basketball.
  • 2-1-12 Cheerleaders must not stand behind the free throw lane extended toward the sidelines.
  • 3-1-1 Wearing any jewelry is prohibited AT ALL TIMES (including practices) except religious or medical medals which shall be taped to the body under the apparel. Items should not be draped around the neck even if they are taped to the body. All silicon bracelets, hair ties, belly button rings, spacers, tongue studs, upper ear cartilage rings, safety pins, corsages, friendship bracelets, spirit pins, etc. are considered jewelry and must be removed. Jewelry cannot be taped over; and fishing line, etc. cannot be put through the pierced holes. Wrestling cheerleaders may not have pins on their uniforms, pillows, or on the floor near them. Coaches also need to remove jewelry when participating.
  • If a cheerleader must wear jewelry for religious or medical reasons, his/her coach should contact ( A letter needs to be written by the parents of the cheerleader stating the jewelry’s religious significance or by the doctor for medical situations, plus the reason why the jewelry can’t be removed. This letter also needs to be signed by the school’s athletic director and cheerleading coach.
  • 3-1-2 Fingernails, including acrylic nails, need to be cut. If you can see the nails while looking at the palm of the hand, the nails should be cut (ICCA/IHSAA rule). All participants need to have their nails cut at all times, not just stunting squads. Participating coaches need to cut nails, also.
  • 3-1-3 Hair devices shall be safe and secure. The hair shall be worn in a manner to ensure safety while performing. All members of a squad shall wear their hair pulled away from the face and off the shoulders (ICCA/IHSAA rule). Metal barrettes that are small and flat are legal – banana clips and large floppy bows with streamers are not legal. It is not legal to tuck hair behind the ears – hair needs to be SECURED away from the face – this includes bangs falling into the eyes. “Bumpit” hair inserts are not legal.
  • 3-2-8 A spotter is required for single-base prep-level stunts in which the foot/feet of the top person are in the hands of the base.
  • 3-5-3 Basket tosses, elevator tosses and similar multi-base tosses are permitted only on grass (real or artificial), a mat, or a rubberized track. Tosses are not permitted on gym floors. Flip tosses are never permitted on any surface.